Christmas Gatherings

Joyce Bademan (edited)
Christmas is a wonderful season to share Christ's message in a meaningful way. People's hearts are unusually open to spiritual matters. A Christmas Gathering is a get-together of friends and neighbors in an individual's home. The party features holiday food, spontaneous sharing of Christmas traditions, a brief, non-threatening talk on the meaning of Christmas and an opportunity to receive Christ.
Since I first spoke at a party, these gatherings have brought exciting changes in people's lives through a relationship with Jesus Christ. They also foster incomparable growth opportunities for Christians who want to reach out and share their faith with others.
Benefits to hosting an evangelistic holiday celebration:
Preparation - Begin and end with Prayer
God does not care as much about our ability as our availability. Allow Him to work in your heart as you consider a gathering in your home. "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13). Successful witnessing is sharing Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God.
Responsibilities of Hostess/Host
"And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19).
Select a speaker for your gathering
Party Schedule: suggestion only because this can be any date or time
Evening Gathering from 7 - 9pm
Welcome Your Speaker
Your speaker will likely arrive 30 minutes before your gathering for prayer, to get oriented to the setting, and to assist you for a relaxed beginning. Introduce your speaker individually to the guests as they arrive, treating him/her as one of the guests. Simply identify your speaker as, "______, who'll be sharing with us later."
Guiding the Sharing Time
After your guests have been served refreshments, put them at ease with a guided sharing time to help them know one another better and create a comfortable atmosphere for the speaker's message. It's best to allow spontaneous sharing rather than going around the circle. This makes it easier to introduce your speaker.
You may begin the sharing time as follows:
"One of the things I find enjoyable and interesting is learning about other people's Christmas traditions. Why don't we take a few moments to share some of our traditions with one another, such as foods you eat, customs, special things you do in your family, or perhaps you would like to share your Christmas plans this year. In order to give you a moment or two to think of what you might share, I'll share first." (Caution: Please select a nonreligious tradition)
End on schedule to give your speaker enough time.
Introducing Your Speaker - sample
"Christmas is such a special time of year, isn't it? I wanted to add to the specialness of my Christmas this year by having you in my home. I hope being together is equally enjoyable for you. As I said on my invitation, a friend of mine will be sharing with us today. I don't know about you, but it's easy for me to get caught up in a whirlwind of activities at Christmastime and not take the time to really remember its significance. I'm eager to hear what our speaker will share with us."
Closing Your Party
Graciously thank your speaker and invite guests to enjoy more refreshments. Remember, from the moment your first guest arrives, your focus is to welcome and enjoy your guests. "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace" (Acts 20:24).
Follow Up
Use comment cards to determine what kind of follow-up is needed. Following the party, the speaker and host can pray together and discuss what the Lord would have you do (individually or together).
* Spiritual Response: (response to message and prayer)
If possible, start a follow-up Bible study or take them to another basic Bible study. If they have received Christ, explain what took place and help them be assured of their salvation. Get together for coffee and share your personal testimony and the gospel with them. You could use a small booklet such as The Four Spiritual Laws. Invite them to another Christian activity.
* Social Response: (response to you and being in your home)
Take a personal interest in them and their activities (hobbies, shopping) and resolve to not talk about spiritual things unless they initiate the conversation.
* No Response/ Negative Response:
When there is no apparent response, concentrate on those who seemed open to the gospel and you. When there is negative response, diffuse their resentment by personally apologizing if you offended them by including them in your gathering. Explain that you purposely stated that a friend would be sharing some thoughts about Christmas, so they would not be taken by surprise. Remember, you are not apologizing for the gospel. "May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Jesus Christ, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 15:5)
Through Christmas Gatherings, hundreds have indicated that they have received Jesus Christ, and numerous follow-up Bible studies have been started. Many Christians have been excited by the ease of sharing the gospel with friends and neighbors in such an informal atmosphere. It is my hope and prayer that this information will be used to encourage and equip you to help reach your world with His powerful gospel. May you experience, as I have, God's enabling power and delight.
Come up with creative ideas to adapt this for other holidays
Joyce Bademan is the Founder and National Director of Christmas Gatherings.
Extensive resource manuals are available:
Christmas Gatherings
24904 Logan Avenue, Lakeville MN, 55044 USA
Christmas is a wonderful season to share Christ's message in a meaningful way. People's hearts are unusually open to spiritual matters. A Christmas Gathering is a get-together of friends and neighbors in an individual's home. The party features holiday food, spontaneous sharing of Christmas traditions, a brief, non-threatening talk on the meaning of Christmas and an opportunity to receive Christ.
Since I first spoke at a party, these gatherings have brought exciting changes in people's lives through a relationship with Jesus Christ. They also foster incomparable growth opportunities for Christians who want to reach out and share their faith with others.
Benefits to hosting an evangelistic holiday celebration:
- Utilizes the holiday season to present the good news of Jesus Christ
- Uses our homes as a non-threatening environment to glorify God
- Builds relationships
- Counteracts the trend of isolation - many people are never invited into someone's home and they are honored to be included
- Requires only two people to initiate
- Guests may experience the joy of trusting God
Preparation - Begin and end with Prayer
God does not care as much about our ability as our availability. Allow Him to work in your heart as you consider a gathering in your home. "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13). Successful witnessing is sharing Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God.
Responsibilities of Hostess/Host
"And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19).
- Prayerfully consider the group you would like to reach (neighbors, co-workers, friends, etc.)
- Select an appropriate day and time
- Your party design can be formal or informal
- Plan your menu according to your type of gathering or theme. Foods can range from simple Christmas cookies, desserts, a brunch, a tea, or a full meal
- Arrange seating so guests can best view the speaker and have easy conversation
Select a speaker for your gathering
- It's best that you don't speak at your own gathering
- If your party is part of a coordinated effort in a church or city, a trained speaker should be provided
- It's best to use a male speaker for mixed gatherings
- On your invitation, indicate clearly that a friend will be sharing some inspiring thoughts about Christmas
Party Schedule: suggestion only because this can be any date or time
Evening Gathering from 7 - 9pm
- 7:00 Arrival, Conversation, Refreshments
- 7:30 Share Traditions
- 8:00 Speaker and Comment Cards
- 8:30 More Refreshments and Visiting
Welcome Your Speaker
Your speaker will likely arrive 30 minutes before your gathering for prayer, to get oriented to the setting, and to assist you for a relaxed beginning. Introduce your speaker individually to the guests as they arrive, treating him/her as one of the guests. Simply identify your speaker as, "______, who'll be sharing with us later."
Guiding the Sharing Time
After your guests have been served refreshments, put them at ease with a guided sharing time to help them know one another better and create a comfortable atmosphere for the speaker's message. It's best to allow spontaneous sharing rather than going around the circle. This makes it easier to introduce your speaker.
You may begin the sharing time as follows:
"One of the things I find enjoyable and interesting is learning about other people's Christmas traditions. Why don't we take a few moments to share some of our traditions with one another, such as foods you eat, customs, special things you do in your family, or perhaps you would like to share your Christmas plans this year. In order to give you a moment or two to think of what you might share, I'll share first." (Caution: Please select a nonreligious tradition)
End on schedule to give your speaker enough time.
Introducing Your Speaker - sample
"Christmas is such a special time of year, isn't it? I wanted to add to the specialness of my Christmas this year by having you in my home. I hope being together is equally enjoyable for you. As I said on my invitation, a friend of mine will be sharing with us today. I don't know about you, but it's easy for me to get caught up in a whirlwind of activities at Christmastime and not take the time to really remember its significance. I'm eager to hear what our speaker will share with us."
Closing Your Party
Graciously thank your speaker and invite guests to enjoy more refreshments. Remember, from the moment your first guest arrives, your focus is to welcome and enjoy your guests. "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace" (Acts 20:24).
Follow Up
Use comment cards to determine what kind of follow-up is needed. Following the party, the speaker and host can pray together and discuss what the Lord would have you do (individually or together).
* Spiritual Response: (response to message and prayer)
If possible, start a follow-up Bible study or take them to another basic Bible study. If they have received Christ, explain what took place and help them be assured of their salvation. Get together for coffee and share your personal testimony and the gospel with them. You could use a small booklet such as The Four Spiritual Laws. Invite them to another Christian activity.
* Social Response: (response to you and being in your home)
Take a personal interest in them and their activities (hobbies, shopping) and resolve to not talk about spiritual things unless they initiate the conversation.
* No Response/ Negative Response:
When there is no apparent response, concentrate on those who seemed open to the gospel and you. When there is negative response, diffuse their resentment by personally apologizing if you offended them by including them in your gathering. Explain that you purposely stated that a friend would be sharing some thoughts about Christmas, so they would not be taken by surprise. Remember, you are not apologizing for the gospel. "May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Jesus Christ, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 15:5)
- Set a definite date/time/place for gathering
- Notify coordinator (if applicable) and speaker
- Deliver invitations to your guests at least 7-10 days prior (even If you use an online invitation, follow-up with a call or face-to-face invitation)
- Aim for 10+ guests - send 3x as many as you hope will attend
- Arrange childcare for daytime gathering
- Prepare food ahead of time
- Decorate home cheerfully
- Use name tags
- Call speaker with information about appropriate dress, directions to home, and prayer
- Turn off phones and other noisemakers
- Find others to pray for your gathering
Through Christmas Gatherings, hundreds have indicated that they have received Jesus Christ, and numerous follow-up Bible studies have been started. Many Christians have been excited by the ease of sharing the gospel with friends and neighbors in such an informal atmosphere. It is my hope and prayer that this information will be used to encourage and equip you to help reach your world with His powerful gospel. May you experience, as I have, God's enabling power and delight.
Come up with creative ideas to adapt this for other holidays
Joyce Bademan is the Founder and National Director of Christmas Gatherings.
Extensive resource manuals are available:
Christmas Gatherings
24904 Logan Avenue, Lakeville MN, 55044 USA